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Suggested topics

ICT Solutions for Teaching and Research | Scientific visualization, Tools for simulation, Tools for collaboration, Virtual computing laboratories, Management and distribution of specialized software, ICT solutions for MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses) implementation; HPC (High Performance Computing) solutions development, Classroom technology, Knowledge management (repositories, digital magazines, etc.), Integral video conferencing solutions, Institutional social networks.

ICT Solutions for Management | Collaborative work solutions, Project management solutions, Solutions that enable process integration, Business intelligence solutions*, Support for accreditation process, Documental management and digitization, Management solutions based in cloud, Management solutions to be accessed from mobile devices, and Solutions based on third party services.

*While the term "business" is not entirely pertinent in most institutions of higher education, this term is used because that is how certain solutions are known. In this context the term "business" must be related to the main objectives of the universities, and not to a concept focused on profit..

ICT Governance and Management | ICT area and HR organizational structure, Policies and good practices in talent acquisition and retention, Budget and cost and service management, ICT strategy definition, Project management, Innovation management, Adaptability to environment, ICT knowledge management, Process management, Metrics, Data center management, IT ecological sustainability management (Green IT).

Infrastructure | Network engineering and management to support BYOD**, Wireless networks (internal and external WiFi solutions), PKI infrastructure, Identity solutions (single sing-on and mobility), Storage solutions, Data center, Public and/or private clouds** integrated to infrastructure, VOIP solutions, IPv6 implementation, High performance computing (HPC), and Ecological sustainability in IT acquiring (Green IT).

**The concepts of "Cloud", "BYOD" and mobile devices are issues related to infrastructure, if the describe material is a solution related to the previous topics it should be mention and should be clearly stated the importance of the theme for the Conference.

Information Security | Possible topics include: Solutions to restrict access, International standards implementation, Security in the data management, Legal aspects in the delivery of University services, Privacy protection, Service quality and providers security management; Cloud services security, Relevant aspects to consider when incorporating social networking, Planning and safety management, Protection of intellectual property of digitized information.

It is expected that the presented works in each suggested topic are related to ICT and how its use or incorporation contributes to resolve the problems that universities in the region are facing, particularly considering the following concepts:

  • Experiencies: the papers should be mainly focus on the experiences; TICAL is a space to share successes and failures among peers. No merely scientific or academic papers are intended.
  • Projects or services: works should describe implemented services or executed projects.
  • ICT area: TICAL gathers universities ICT managers. That is why it is intended that the papers are relevant for them.
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